Saturday, February 25, 2023

Starting Fresh

 After for a long time,I write again,I did not write anything near  for four months.In this time period,many things happened.Earthquakes,wars,genocides,expensivenes,economic crises only one of the them.

What is next?

Doomsday maybe.I think future is dark.No any hope for humankind rest of the future.How it does  fix?How everything will be fine?It does not repairing  for making wars or economic crises.Planet needs new fresh,new system.this capitalist regime is closing near to end.Money wheel will not turn.When people wake up,its time will be done.

You lost a friend or a family member in earthquake but you continue your life,people can do that without nothing happening.How is possible?In a bus or in a resturant they listen music,or having fun.I do not understand.Attitude of people are so shameful.

What about money?

Money is the unobtainable issue.It should be a tool for being good things.But away in our term it is a life commercial.Leaders and rich folks are aware of everything.Some of them its a life standart.Destiny or fate.2 words or 2 same meanings.

This story is obviously clear..Inevitable endings close.Perfect storms....