Saturday, September 15, 2018

Matrix is only an inception?


Describe it,dream,do and create......

Today I will consider technological developments in medicine area/sector.I think Matrix can be part of all developings.A war humans and our monsters.

There will no sun no air no ground again..... If you search all details of Matrix Series,did you suppose some different things?Which people were dead by cancer all other leather illnesses in movie?Answer is no....A virtual world and Zion also is a part of virtual world.

Today in medicine sector has unbelievable technological developments.For instance you do not control your hand and leg movements or you do not have some vital organs for your body.

Doctors can use battery on your brain lobes and they can control you by an Iphone or Ipad.These surgeries are present in many countries.

Let's look again Matrix....

People will not die by cancer,parkinson,hepatit,hıv and more.....Chip treatments started in 1960s in USA.

Battery on the heart

First, humans think we can control Artificial intelligences but away they are much more  clever than us.Currently  we only treatment  for some illnesses we do not still have real cure of the illnesses.
Why people die by cancer?

A cancer cell

Scientists  suppose if we control brain and we create our artificial cells for a patient in their bodies,affect of cancer cells can control by these things and they can not divide to the every part of body.


Science is connected with main technological companies.

Why Matrix is only an inception?

It is not a dream,a world can be possible in there and in the Zion which  can be Mars or Moon.Just dream on your brain.

I guess Interstellar-Matrix have some common points,Einstein Relativity Theory and fifth dimensions.....

However the point is how we use our brain and you can think it is an investment ( buying Gold or dollar) how much power you use brain capacity ,developing  and searchings.

In coming soon,many  names of  illnesses only will  stay as a name on the books.