Monday, September 3, 2018


Hi everyone  have a good new week and new month.........


Mars and Jupiter are in the solar system also our planet is in the same system.However 7 planets  present in the system...

Apollo Projects

USSR created or found some devices  for travelling to Moon in 1960s,Jf.Keneddy was the president of United States who did first step for Moon.

Apollo 12-14-15-16-17

In the other way if we look currently time,Nasa said we found big ice parts in the surface of the moon.

Only not USA did not find some signs of ice parts in the Moon, in 2006 India had found some evidence.

Human Body

Our body is not powerful in the space,Moon travelling looks possible for colonization after Mars 
subject can be second mission.Some researchers say  39 days travelling to Mars may be posssible with high technology system robotic and artificial intelligence.In 2019-2022,first steps will have started by NASA.

Future will be in the space,8 billion people are not enough for our planet.Shortage and illnesses are raising in everywhere of the world

Nuclear testing and global warming effects look normal...........

 Nasa specialists said,first Moon then from there we will move  to Mars.Currently human body can not stand a long time space travelling to Mars.

Science,technology,space are not only reality of the movies they are concrete things.